
As an experienced studio and agency photographer, I have been offering workshops for models and photographers for a number of years.
I am able to offer training for models in advertising, fashion on the catwalk or for your own marketing in the new media , not only to impart new knowledge, but also to deepen it for advanced learners.

In the preliminary talk, I determine the level of knowledge and use the data to work out individual workshop plans in order to deepen the know-how.
With 15 years of experience in the model and fashion industry, I am an ideal companion, especially for newcomers, from the initial meeting to the Sedcard creation to advice for the first GoSee or casting.


Bodyliciouz Modelfinca Mallorca 2017

address: Markelstr. 16, 12163 Berlin, Germany

phone: +176 703 29 628

email: info[at]


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